Monday, April 8, 2013

Thailand - Day 2: Floating Market

I was excited for the next day adventure - The Floating Market. Although I did some research of the place, I still can't figure out how it looked like, until...

The complete team - Joril, me, Rjagd, Mgeno and Jdino

Yes, that’s the five of us – the complete team. It took us hours to travel before we reached this place. We were tired but convinced to be alright as we go along the flow of the waters in the floating market. All of us were excited as we started in the motorized boat adventure. This arrangement was made by the boat driver - arranged according to weight for balance. Obviously, these girls are lightweight to be placed in the middle. Haha.

The driveway is narrow which made me scared at first. Anytime, the boat can crash at the sidings, but I comforted myself by trusting the driver's expertise. 

When we reached the what we call "the highway" because of its wide area, I breathe even better. The welcome signage on the gate-like structure signaled our entry to the market proper.

The goods are in the sides where tourists or buyers can buy while on-board the boat. The driver will bring you near the store so you can choose your item and buy. Others are selling while on-board the boat too. 

Woman weighing the macopa

This woman sold macopa (or tambis) to us. Rjagd bought and we ate them. Haha. It was so sweet; I have never tasted that before. And their mangoes too are in superlative sweetness. According to Joril, he had never tasted a sour mango in his entire stay in Thailand. Hm, that sounds interesting. We can probably learn on how they do that so we can also recreate it in our country. How is that? 

It was lunch time. We asked the driver to row us to the nearby food stand. He rowed us across where a woman called and market her food.

Patiently waiting for our food. Nom! Nom!
We ordered pad thai. Pad Thai is composed of taogi and flat noodles or pancit. It's yummy. Since I am a certified rice-eater, I ordered sticky rice with mango in addition to my meal.  I need to prepare for another long hours of travel so I need to be full. Burp! Excuse me. Haha.

me and Rjagd eating Pad Thai

This is it, pancit! I didn't get the chance to take a picture of this meal. Hm, maybe next time. xoxo

"A guide to the blue journey - a relaxing, peaceful, blissful, healthy and honorable life." -TBC

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Thailand – Day 1: Temples in BKK

I prepared the itinerary of our adventures to TH for the entire 3-day stay.  

  1. Temples
  2. Floating Market
  3. Elephant Village
  4. Chatuchak (the huge retail market in town)

Joril had to work that day, so the four of us had to explore without a tour guide. We were confident that we can manage it because we are the fantastic four. Haha. The best thing we did was “ASK”. It is always the ultimate weapon whenever exploring a foreign land.

First stop, temples! We took a cab in going there. Thanks to Kuya driver for being so nice to us. He became our instant tour guide. Salute!

The power puff girls - Mgeno, Rjagd and me
We were on our way to the entrance gate of the palace, in this photo. Jdino owns the camera,so the models have to pose. Ahem!  

The temple guards marching
Welcome to the Grand Palace!

It looked like they welcomed us because this is what we saw when we entered the gate. Feeling secured. Haha. But yeah, guards are seen anywhere in the palace. It's pretty secure.

The Three - Jdino, me and Rjagd
I can't say power puff girls anymore in this photo. Haha.

Check out the temple design. Isn't it lovely? If you will get closer, you can see the effort put into the design and the love of  doing it.

Us against the golden wall
This golden wall exhibits elegance and power. The sticking of the small blocks together to complete the structure is hard work resulting to a pretty finish. We found comfort here from the tiring heat of the sun where the glow gave us strength to carry on to our next move.

The Fantastic Four - Jdino, me, Rjagd and Mgeno
Yes, we finally had our group picture. It was so hard to take picture of the entire group, except when a good samaritan is willing to assist. Yes, Jdino had asked a pretty lady, who was also a tourist to take a picture of us. If she was our friend, we should have asked for more clicks. Haha. Thanks Miss!

The entire area of the palace is clean. Trash bins are found in the corners in green color, so you can't miss them. Trashes are collected regularly by the industrious cleaners. Great job, Kuyas!

The 3 - me, Jdino and Mgeno.
 We were on our way to the exit gate in this photo and found this perfect spot for pictorial again. Hooray!
It was tiring but educational and fun all day temple tour. xoxo

"A guide to the blue journey - a relaxing, peaceful, blissful, healthy and honorable life." -TBC

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Thailand, My First International Destination

I can still remember the look on my face when I read the text messages of my friends. Giggle!

I was very excited when my friends informed me of the plan. It wasn't a-year plan but in 3 months. What? Seriously? But yeah, they were serious. So we had to check the peso fare every now and then to at least get an affordable fare, but we were unlucky. Instead, we plunged to the overly expensive fare. I won't mention it cause it was not a good choice nor a good number to advice.We grabbed it because we need to stick to the plan - travel on holiday. So there we went, we booked on January for March travel. How close, ouch. Got an idea how much the fare was? Hmm...

The setup was to stay in our friend's apartment, so no hotel fees to think of. Savings! Joril is working there, so he was our host. The travel was not in big group, but in pair and individual. Jdino from SG, Rjagd from Manila, Mgeno and me from Cebu. Good thing that we were in pair - I have karamay when we get lost. Haha.

Jdino and Rjagd arrived earlier than us so they picked us up in the airport and brought us to Joril's apartment where we stayed.

First observation: Huge and pretty airport. A first timer has the tendency to get lost. Just read, ask and follow instruction, as a norm.

Second: Right hand drive. Cool. So you have to walk right. Fun.

We did interesting things that I won't forget in our 3-day vacation and I want to share it with you, dear readers. I will be dividing my posts according to activity. Since this is my introduction, I am attaching few pictures for you to check out. Enjoy! xoxo

Baggage Claim for Mla PH to BKK TH flight.


Floating Market

Elephant Village

"A guide to the blue journey - a relaxing, peaceful, blissful, healthy and honorable life." -TBC